Polish Fat Farm, FTW.

I’m off to a ‘wellness retreat’ in the Pomeranian forests of Poland for one month. That’s the official line but the truth is it’s an old skool fat farm. Back in the seventies, before ‘wellness’ was a thing, and only armies retreated, fat folk went to fat farms. The fat farms did what they said on the can: got rid of fat. I’ve chosen Svbtle because of its no nonsense unbloated approach to blogs. Svbtle: the fat farm of blogging! I’m not a fan of wyrdspeak and using language to make people buy stuff (be it stuff, or ideologies). So, fat farm here I come. Because I am fat. And I don’t like it. Simple as. I think I will blog what happens. Watch this space …


Now read this

WEEK 3 - 24th-31st July: Bears beats beets, the onion of despair, Karen’s First World Problems …

WEEK THREE Monday 25th July – Sunday 31st July Not much to report. As with Ibsen’s Little Eyolf absolutely nothing happens in the second half of the play except in the spiritual battleground of the characters. They barely move from the... Continue →